“what do you listen to?”

iTunes Signature Maker:

People often ask me what music I listen to, and I find it difficult to describe my enormous music collection in just a few sentences. So I created iTunes Signature Maker (iTSM) to answer in sound a question I cannot answer in words. iTSM analyzes your music collection and creates a short audio signature to represent it.

iTSM selects a small number of your “favorite” tracks based on some simple selection criteria, such as the number of times you have played them or the rating you have assigned them. Then it analyzes the audio content of these files, combining a small bit of each of them to create the signature.

Mine is brewing now: takes a while. And without the use of any iTunes Store purchases, it won’t be all that accurate. Kind of a peek at what my collection was like before iTunes . . . .

Given that it’s open source, I suspect someone will add a hymn-compliant decoder that will allow iTMS tracks to be used.

[hat tip]

<update> Safari crashed without finished it, so I’ll let Firefox/Deer Park have go.

And here it is.

A longer version.

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