I do hope Zell Miller got paid upfront for his speech the other night, now that his masters are treating him like a rabid skunk. He even got disinvited from the Imperial Box for the acceptance speech.
The good people at snopes have pre-emptively debunked the claims that John Kerry never met a weapons system he liked: as it happens, he was in accord with then-Secretary of Defense Cheney on the value of the same expensive weapons systems Kerry is accused of cutting.
This whole “weapons killer” idea came from a piece of spam that has been making the rounds. It seems Senator Miller fell victim to it: did he fall prey to one of the African banking scams, too? Is that what motivated his near-demonic performance at the RNC?
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Politics (Weapon Killer):
Claim: Senator John Kerry “voted to kill every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons systems since 1988.”
Status: False.
And you can see how each senator voted on these bills, of which these weapons systems were but a line-item:
* S. 3189 (1990)
* H.R. 5803 (1990)
* H.R. 2126 (1995)