MT misfeature reflects on ecto (and Kung-Log)

2. I have noticed that I cannot post something as ‘Draft’. Even if the selection is ‘Draft’, it ends up ‘Published’ on the site.

You may have noticed that the entry does, however, not show up on your site, right? It is the way MovableType works. I quote from the MT source:

In 2.1 we changed the behavior of the $publish flag. Previously,
it was used to determine the post status. That was a bad idea.
So now entries added through XML-RPC are always set to publish,
*unless* the user has set "NoPublishMeansDraft 1" in mt.cfg, which
enables the old behavior.

So, if you want a draft to be a draft, add
    NoPublishMeansDraft 1
to your mt.cfg configuration file.

That’s just . . . . weird. There are three states: draft, publish, and neither one nor t’other.

[Posted with ecto]