the festive season

An eventful couple of days leading up to the Big Day . . .

Some last minute food shopping today (the third such trip I have made in the past 48 hours). Since the extended family locally have extended themselves elsewhere (significant others’ family, generally), we’re doing a small Christmas at home. So less variety of food, but all stuff we know we like.

Using the Santa lever has meant for some dramatically good behavior. We even got the younger set to take naps if they could open just one present upon arising. They of course chose to open the gifts they bought for each other just last night (a Barbie play bedroom and a frightening Transformer).

To church this evening (we’re regular churchgoers: once a year, whether we feel like it or not), and they were as good as gold. They were even brave enough to hold their own candles, and the resulting wax drips were handled with considerable bravery and self-control.

Now that they’re (finally) asleep, we can finish the final arrangements and get our heads down before the telltale sound of sleigh bells. We’ll leave St Nick’s treats out for him, first (mince pies and a cold glass of milk: suspiciously similar to what Dad likes for a snack). We’re close enough to the date line to be near the end of his route: perhaps the Big Fellow would like something a little more restorative, but that might set a bad precedent. Two fingers of Scotch at a few too many houses, and we can guess the result . . .

Now playing: Ave Maria from the album “Songs of Faith and Inspiration” by Robert Shaw Chorale & Robert Shaw