After much angst and not-quite-enough preparation, I successfully moved this website and weblog to a different machine this afternoon. Kind of a complicated business since I’m using this machine for network address translation and such as well. I did a lot of file copying and config munging to make sure everything was in place for a seamless transfer, but missed one crucial detail: I made sure the web content and all was in place and that apache was all configured as it should be. But I neglected to build the options for NAT into the kernel. D’oh.
This stuff needed to be in the kernel config to make it all work.
# IPFIREWALL enables support for IP firewall construction, in
# conjunction with the `ipfw' program. IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE sends
# logged packets to the system logger. IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT
# WARNING: IPFIREWALL defaults to a policy of "deny ip from any to any"
# IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT causes the default rule (at boot) to
options IPDIVERT #firewall
options IPFIREWALL #firewall
options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE #print information about
options IPFIREWALL_FORWARD #enable transparent proxy support
options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=100 #limit verbosity
options IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT #allow everything by default
# IPFIREWALL as well. See the dummynet(4) manpage for more info.
# You can use IPFIREWALL and dummynet together with bridging.
# BRIDGE enables bridging between ethernet cards -- see bridge(4).
options BRIDGE
Woulda been nice if I had remembered this a week ago, or even earlier today.
But moving from Pii 266 with 64 Mb RAM to a 700 MHz Athlon with 256 Mb should make for a more enjoyable experience.