introducing the hard line


Originally uploaded by gabrielle hennessey.

So I’m a bit hardline when it comes to blocking people . . .

I don’t see the value in using Flickr as whacking material: I expect it means all the more, er, useful sites are blocked, but why do that at work? I think it would be much better to let people go wherever they want and if they wander off to places they shouldn’t, then take steps, just as you would if they were wasting company resources.

I’ve known people who frequented strip clubs on their lunch hours and who spent an awful lot of time scouring the interwebs for porn (I remember one guy who determined to burn it all to CD in case it somehow disappeared: have that many CDs been manufactured?).

She’s right to do this, of course. Shame some people are unable to grasp the subtleties of a naked form used as something other than a glandular stimulus.

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