Some alpha geeks is about as useful a term as “some Democrats” or “some government officials” in political reporting. It allows the writer to project his (or those of one or two friends) onto a faceless unnumbered group of disaffected people, none of whom are quoted and whose complaints are delivered without any context.
Radar’s Nat Torkington has a smart take on this. (He’s away on vacation, so I’ll quote him.) “Success breeds risk of failure,” he writes. “Some alpha geeks are turning away from Macs. Not all, but some. The reasons they cite are quite reasonable: It has surprisingly flaky hardware, many Genius bars are impossible to use because the wait lists are a day long now, and the base apps aren’t perfect by a long shot.” [From Why Apple might not be able to get away with it anymore]
Taking these gripes in order:
- Flaky hardware has not been much of an issue for me: I have have drive failures but Apple doesn’t make drives. Everything else has worked pretty well, even this obsolescent iBook.
- Genius Bar access has never been an issue for me: you can sign up online to make an appointment and get one same day, I expect, or if you are a Pro user, you can leverage that priority system
- By the base apps, I assume the iLife and iWork suites are what’s meant. I didn’t realize there was any perfect software: I’d like to know about it if there is. But for the price of those suites, I think they offer pretty good value and if the alpha geeks are all that, where are the development efforts that will meet their needs? My read of this is that they don’t match the functionality of the Office suite. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to have the same “alpha geeks” claim that the bloat and excess of features of the Office suite was one of the reasons for switching.
This really seems like a weak argument. Maybe alpha geeks are not the core of Apple’s market (I think this is pretty obvious) and the loss of a few won’t matter all that much. It would be interesting to see where they go. Linux? Yeah, there’s a mass-market product š Back to Windows? Good luck with that.