dd-wrt updating

I have been having some trouble with my dd-wrt-powered wireless AP. I have a LinkSys WRT54G and have been running the dd-wrt firmware for as long as I have had it. But lately it has been giving me some issues with dropouts. Service just temporarily goes away. I’m not completely hosed as I also have a FON router in place, but it only supports DHCP and I use static addresses.

So I grabbed the latest version (DD-WRT v24 std) and looked into installing it. Turns out there is a way to install on the command-line, without the risk of over-the-air upgrades getting bogged down or breaking.

This is available on routers that have DD-WRT installed and SSH enabled.

[From Installation – DD-WRT Wiki]

Excellent. That’s what I have. But I found the instructions a little complicated. If you have an SMB/cifs share available. it’s a lot easier to simply place the new firmware there and load it, rather than try to fetch it from the router itself. I haven’t found the ipkg infrastructure to work all that well. I haven’t tried it in v24, only v23, so things might be better now. But upgrading to 24 implies you don’t have it, right?

Anyway, I edited the page (the link is above) and hope it helps someone else.

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