Note the domain name — — not I wonder how many people have been taken in by this?
They’re using webspace at “” (no link) to host the ripoff, er, donation page.
I dropped them a note, with a CC to the whois contact at Network for Good:
Are you aware that someone is using your domain to rip people off who think they are giving to Network for Good? This piece of spam came to me just now. Really sleazy stuff. That DONATE link goes to a page on your website that looks like Network for Good, but isn’t. Someone who has access to your content put this together and linked your name to it.
The whole donation process uses images and text from Network for Good. That’s really awful.
I think the right thing to do would be swap out the phony donate page and redirect people to the real Network for Good.
And the folks at Network for Good should make it impossible for people to rip off their images with a few tweaks to their server configuration.