this is why I could use one

★ Notes and Observations Regarding Apple’s Announcements From ‘The Beat Goes On’ Special Event, Which, Inexplicably, I Didn’t Bother to Publish Two Weeks Ago When They Were Relevant:

160 GB is more storage than many personal computers offer. Fill it up with typical MP3 or AAC audio, and it would take three months to listen to it all. The appeal though, is that you can just sync your entire library every time you connect with iTunes, without worrying about specifying a certain subset to carry on your iPod.

for one thing, my music collection is starting to run my out of hard drive space on my laptop, at close to 40 Gb: my iPod is a 10Gb. It does happen that I look for something I don’t have on there.

Imagine being able to back up the laptop to the iPod, as well as carry 100 Gb of music around.

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