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Radiohead catalogue high quality downloads | Radiohead At Ease:

As of today, you can finally download the full Radiohead catalogue in high quality through The catalogue consists of all of Radiohead’s albums plus a large number of singles, available in the 320 Kbps, DRM-free MP3 format.

You can download the tracks through the Download Store at, which is powered by 7digital. EMI, Radiohead’s record label for all the offered downloads, commented on choosing 7digital over iTunes: “iTunes insists that all its albums are sold unbundled, but 7digital doesn’t. Radiohead prefer to have their albums sold complete. The artist has a choice, and if they feel strongly then we respect that.” The albums are available for £6.99 each.

Radiohead insist their albums sell complete, no buying individual tracks? Whatever . . . and £6.99 is almost $14 at today’s exchange rate. So also more expensive to buy this way (albums are usually $9.99 at iTunes). Good luck with that. They’re out of their contract, and can do whatever they want . . . .

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