Having some trouble with an iMac G5 dropping off the network, so I found this thread: Poor Signal Level Airport Problem in iMac G5. – MacNN Forums
At first, it looked like a signal strength issue. Strange if true, since that system never moves, relative to the access point.
But before I cracked open the case, I thought I would look at any log data I could find.
Aug 8 17:19:18 kitchen kernel[0]: AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)Aug 8 17:19:18 kitchen configd[54]: AppleTalk startupAug 8 17:19:18 kitchen kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Active: “Thistle Dew Two” – 0014bf295d49 – chan 6Aug 8 17:19:18 kitchen configd[54]: SecKeychainFindGenericPassword err= -25308 ( =0xffff9d24, secErrStr=User interaction is not allowed. ) (current= Thistle Dew Two)Aug 8 17:19:19 kitchen launchd: Server 3fb3 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: “/usr/sbin/lookupd”[359]: exited abnormally: HangupAug 8 17:19:19 kitchen configd[54]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_changeAug 8 17:19:19 kitchen lookupd[367]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting – Wed Aug 8 17:19:19 2007
Huh? What’s with the SecKeychainFindGenericPassword errors? It looks like the authentication mechanism is losing its mind periodically, and dropping the connection with frustrating frequency.
A little poking around in Keychain Access: I allowed access to that keychain from any application, and the problem seems to be resolved. But I’ll wait till tomorrow this time before I do a happy dance.
[update, Sept 6] This is still acting up. But it resolves itself quite quickly. Starting to suspect some issues with the base station itself (a Linksys WRT54G, running dd-wrt).