you couldn’t make it up

Let Science Be Science:

“All of us have a right to our own opinions as to the seriousness of global warming,” [Congressman Henry] Waxman said. “We don’t have the right to our own science.”

Maybe there already is a dystopian novel about a civilization that literally destroyed its own world: isn’t this what we’re doing? We don’t know what the final outcome will be but it’s appalling to see these “think tanks” (what thinking can really be going on?) doing their utmost to undermine these reports, all for their patrons.

<cue Rod Serling voiceover> “Imagine, if you will, a planet where technology is the new god, where all worship at the altar of the electronic gadget, but the byproducts of the power generated to fuel this lifestyle, free from care, are silently but inexorably wiping out whole nations with floods and super-cyclones. These people, entranced by blinking lights and instant gratification, are about to enter — the Twilight Zone.”

I could be exaggerating, but I really don’t know. My kids might one day know but what will they think of me and those of us who could have stopped it?

Oh, and the definition of dystopia in my computer’s dictionary?

an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. [emphasis added]

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