reaping the fruits of hatred

Star-Telegram | 11/16/2006 | Sitting ducks on the bench:

When federal appellate Judge Danny Boggs said at a Friday legal conference at Las Colinas that physical assaults aimed at judges have come mainly from “the deranged,” [retired Justice Sandra Day] O’Connor underscored the safety concerns.
“Every member of the Supreme Court received a wonderful package of home-baked cookies, and I don’t know why, the staff decided to analyze them,” she recounted. “Each one contained enough poison to kill the entire membership of the court.”

I don’t recall hearing about this, but it should have received more attention. She doesn’t mention if anyone was apprehended in this incident.

What if the staff had been less diligent/experienced? If a Justice had been sickened or worse, what would that say about our republic?

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