My God. This is turning into a twisted, 1984 version of the back story to the leak investigation on the now sadly defunct West Wing. Check out Russell Tice’s letter (.pdf), and the very strong hint that the matter to be disclosed involves military satellites being used to spy on Americans. It’s staggering if true. The specter of this whole architecture of futuristic warfare, being used to experimentally target the communications of the American citizenry, is profoundly disturbing.
Excerpt from the letter:
Under the provisions of the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act
(ICWPA) and in the absence of an official response from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), I intend to report to the Armed Services Committee probable unlawful and unconstitutional acts conducted while I was an intelligence officer with the National Security Agency (NSA) and with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). These acts involve the Director of the National Security Agency, the U.S. Air Force Deputies Chief of Staff for Air and Space Operations, and the U.S. Secretary of Defense.These probable unlawful and unconstitutional acts were conducted via very highly
sensitive intelligence programs and operations known as Special Access Programs (SAP)s. I was a technical intelligence specialist dealing almost exclusively with SAP programs and operations at both NSA and DIA. U.S. Code, Title 10, Subtitle A, Part 1, Chapter 2, Subsection 119 (Special Access Program: Congressional Oversight), dated 12 July 2005 states that the Senate Armed Services Committee is responsible for reviewing “waved” [sic] SAP programs.
We got computers, we’re tapping phone lines
I know that ain’t allowed