The transgressions of William J. Clinton were deemed worthy of censure by a long list of members of his own party, and a handful of the opposition. On the list of co-sponsors for a bill rebuking the incumbent . . . . *crickets*
(as usual David Horsey sums it up.)
A list of co-sponsors of S.RES.398, “A resolution relating to the censure of George W. Bush”
Via Liberal Oasis, a list of Senators currently serving who co-sponsored S.RES.44 (106th Congress), “A resolution relating to the censure of William Jefferson Clinton”:
- Daniel Akaka
- Max Baucus
- Byron Dorgan
- Dick Durbin
- Dianne Feinstein
- Daniel Inouye
- Jim Jeffords
- Ted Kennedy
- John Kerry*
- Herb Kohl
- Mary Landrieu
- Carl Levin
- Joe Lieberman
- Blanche Lincoln
- Barbara Mikulski
- Patty Murray <- my senior Senator
- Jack Reed
- Harry Reid
- Jay Rockefeller
- Chuck Schumer
- Ron Wyden
- Pete Domenici
- Mitch Mcconnell
- Gordon Smith
- Olympia Snowe
Both of Massachusetts’ Senators, both of whom are still serving, voted to rebuke Clinton but are silent on a rebuke of Bush. What do they have to lose? Nothing. And to gain? Perhaps some respect, maybe even self-respect. If Clinton’s acts were deserving of censure, why not Bush’s?