get a hobby

Get a hobby, I have been told, something that requires me to put this silicon-based device aside for some amount of time.

OK, perhaps I’ll see if I can re-kindle my interest in photography. Went out and bought some chemicals and am steeling myself to go out and take some black and white pictures. Looking through all those old slides and negatives (what is this a picture of? and why are the three exposures of this scene?) has me wondering why, but I am also remembering the feeling I had while taking some of them. I enjoyed it.

Then I saw these images.

And this guy has posted up some new stuff.
Hmm, that raised the stakes a little bit. Both very different kinds of images and with styles that are tied to the subject matter or the media/supplies used (one guy can only shoot 4 days a month and the other is using a film stock that is rapidly disappearing).

I like them both. The amazing colors of the moonlight images are wonderful, but the depth of those B&W Polaroids is great too. I find I can look at them for quite awhile: there’s so much depth of field, there are lots of details to explore.

Wonder if I can take that stuff back and take up something else?


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