I saw a posting on a mailing list where someone said he used “Gentoo linux” and wanted to know how to do something in a different OS (OpenDarwin). I wondered, how many linux distros are there? I have always thought there were too many, so I put the question to Google.
Opinion: There are too darned many Linuxes:
By my count, there are one million, two hundred and seventy thousand, and four hundred and seventeen Linux distributions.Nah, I’m kidding. There are only, by my quick count, one hundred and forty one Linux distributions. Currently shipping. For the Intel platform. In English. Is it just me, or is something wrong here?
Though opinions differ:
What’s up with that?
I couldn’t name the 9 BSDs (I only know of Free, Open, and Net as extant). But what’s with all those distinction w/o a meaningful difference distros in the Linux world? What are the reasons to fork yet another distribution in an increasingly crowded (and not exactly competitive: do any of these charge for anything but media?) marketplace?
What it the point?