My iBook was returned this morning, before lunch, with a new disk drive and a new logic board. Unbeknownst to me, the logic board replacement program included this machine, so it’s looking like a newer 2 year old iBook than I was expecting.
I haven’t installed or restored anything to it, as I try to work out my next move. Given the entropy around here and the gradual or not-so-gradual decay of all the systems here, replacing the newest system seems not to be such a good idea. Instead, I think I will replace the aging G3/G4 with a mini, selling it off to help defray the purchase.
I have my eye on a larger/faster disk for the iBook that will keep it running well a bit longer. So that’s all right.
The next thing to be upgraded/replaced is the 2000 vintage iMac. And a refurbished G5 can be had for less than $900. Refurbed minis are nicely priced, too.