A power outage this morning created a host of issues. Comcast, for reasons known only to them, has issues with DHCP lease expirations and renewals. Sometimes it becomes impossible to renew a lease on a given network interface. The only resolution I can find is to swap the cards (WAN and LAN), but that creates a mess. If I make some notes here, perhaps it will make it easier to remember it all next time.
- The configuration files that manage network address translation need to be fixed.
- Firewall configuration needs to updated
- zoneedit client config — where DNS gets handled for self-hosted people like me — needs to be updated.
- the new nameservers need to be added to named.conf for forwarding/resolution works
A lot of this can be automated/scripted with the use of templates and if it arises again, I may do just that. The only manual step will be physically swapping the cables.