In the course of my struggles with computers this AM, I decided to freshen up a backup of one system and wanted to use a DVD recorder I just assembled from a bare drive and a USB enclosure.
Of course, it’s not supported natively by Apple, so I had to find a third party tool: the drive came with Toast Lite, so I pulled over a copy of that. Of course, I had updated it since installation. Turns out I can’t use an updated version unless I can first re-installed the shipped version and upgrade that.
I just backed up to a firewire drive (another bare drive/enclosure assembly project). But now I am armed with a copy of BurnXFree (untested) and I found a way to get the updated version of Toast to work. I made an archive of the application bundle and the various *.plist files, about 1800 items. Pulled that across, unzipped it, and hey presto. Toast thinks it’s good to go.
“locate Toast” is your friend.