Crooked Timber is Down
Our transition to WordPress (204718) radically increased our database usage. Then we got a bit of an uptick in traffic on top of that and our host provider (
1538) pulled the plug on us because we were gobbling up a lot of resources that needed to be shared. I have to say I think they were a bit peremptory about it. But in any event it seems we’re going to have to get a dedicated server now. Bit more pricey. Hopefully we’ll turn this around quickly and be back online soon.
Posted March 17, 2005 04:26 PM
You’d think Dreamhost would have a little more clue about capacity planning and the products they support — ie, how much load will this add to our infrastructure? when all the the html pages are parsed as php with 15-20 queries per page, can we handle that? How close are we to the threshold where we have to make some changes? — to avoid something like this. It’s a black-eye for them more than for the CT crew.