On the topic of Lycos’s misguided attempt to attack spammers with a DoS attack:
[IP] F more on [Technical] Lycos gets into the denial-of-service attac:
From: Mary Shaw
Date: November 29, 2004 11:00:53 AM EST
To: dave at farber.net
Subject: Re: [IP] [Technical] Lycos gets into the denial-of-service attack business
Reply-To: Mary ShawAren’t the people who casually download screen savers roughly the same
people who casually download other stuff that turns their computers
into zombies?If Lycos wants to distribute a screen saver that fights spam, why
don’t they concentrate on a screensaver that de-zombifies the
computers to which it is downloaded? Depriving spammers of the
bandwidth they’re getting from zombies should have the same effect on
spam with reducton instead of increase in useless IP traffic.While they’re at it, they could add virus protection.
Charity isn’t the only thing that begins at home.