The Dare – Making the 24-Hr Comic:
To create a complete 24 page comic book in 24 continuous hours.
That means everything: Story, finished art, lettering, colors (if you want ’em), paste-up, everything! Once pen hits paper, the clock starts ticking. 24 hours later, the pen lifts off the paper, never to descend again. Even proofreading has to occur in the 24 hour period. [Computer-generated comics are fine of course, same principles apply].
No sketches, designs, plot summaries or any other kind of direct preparation can precede the 24 hour period. Indirect preparation such as assembling tools, reference materials, food, music etc. is fine.
Sounds fun but 24 hours? I suppose you could make it 24 one-page panels, but still, that’s 24 good illustrations: not sure how much easier that is than smaller ones (more detail vs less, etc.).
My NaNoWriMo exercise ended early when the vertigo hit me: I got some good ideas out of the experience and with any luck, I’ll push them around a little more.