
I was out of town for a few days, a (too) brief family trip to Oregon. Not too restful: we had a Coast Guard search and rescue operation for a possible missins surfer/swimmer on Saturday night (two Coast Guard Seahawks trolling along the coast from 9 til way late, then again from 5 until 7). It may have been a false alarm, but who can take that chance? (It was a false alarm, as it turns out.)

Then on to Portland to explore the Rose City, only to find the hotel we booked was under some renovation (the pool was closed, disappointing the younger set). And it was just noisy: late night/early morning dumpster collection, the aforementioned pool work (they are putting in a new one which entails demolishing the old: nothing that requires they start before 7 AM, of course. The hotel is a business travelers hotel, rather than a family place, so the usual clientele would never notice. )

Anyway, being away from all thing technical or interweb-by for a few days has given me some time to think about what I am trying to do with this weblog.

I think I’ve griped enough about the current political situation: there are more insightful minds than mine who are all over that mess. Historically, I have found that technical/HOWTO stuff generates the most traffic, for lack of a better feedback mechanism. (So a quick guide to how to migrate from MovableType to WordPress might appear soon, as if we need more information about that).

And as someone said somewhere, you write to learn what you believe, and I think that part of this has been rewarding. If I’ve done nothing else but that, I’m OK with it.

So posting may be less frequent than it has been as I refocus my attention.

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