now why would the RIAA cartel link to my site?

Obviously, they haven’t been reading it very closely . . . .

After checking to make sure I wasn’t being sued, I discovered some bright spark over there thought that spamming referers was a good way to pump up the cartel’s Google rank. They’re already the top links . . . . duh. - - [22/Jan/2004:10:54:41 -0800] "HEAD /movabletype/ HTTP/1.0" 200 0 "" "StarProse Referrer Advertising System 2004" - - [22/Jan/2004:14:00:59 -0800] "HEAD /movabletype/ HTTP/1.0" 200 0 "" "StarProse Referrer Advertising System 2004"

Cheap and sleazy, but not out of character.

[Posted with ecto]