one for the toolbox

Shell Corner: CoPy Tree

CPT: CoPy TreeHave you ever needed to copy or move a large block of files, maybe many hundreds of megabytes, from one place to another? Or even just a small directory tree, but you wanted it done fast? Then cpt is the program you need.Cpt is written in a POSIX shell dialect that is accepted by the bash shell, Korn shell (88 version), and the *BSD versions of /bin/sh. It only uses common system utilities, and tries to degrade gracefully under pressure during moves, something that mv does not do.

I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks darn useful. And the guy who wrote it is very sharp.

<UPDATE> I just found this in my drafts. The author took his own life: I wish I had published this when I found this application, but I’m glad to do it now.