Panther migration gotchas

Coupla things I found out today in my first day with Panther.

1. SNMP monitoring stopped. As far as I can tell, the /etc/hostconfig file now specifies
and the startup script was looking to match SNMP= - YES - . An easy fix.

2. I had stored all my music files in /Network/music. This was just a directory, pre-Panther. Now it’s a magic file, invisible except by the name which is a link with a sticky bit set.

lrwxr-xr-t 1 root wheel 512 25 Oct 22:52

In short, it exports to other systems but is no longer accessible to local users. I’m not sure how useful that is: if you’re sharing files, you would want to be able to access them yourself. Perhaps there’s some clever loopback mounting that’s supposed to happen. My solution is to mount the directory on another machine, move all those files, clean out the exported directory and find another place to keep my music files.

Not a big deal, except it’s several gigs of disk I can neither access nor free up for other uses.