Time to move some old content to new media
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retail therapy (or, the junkman cometh)
REPC – used,recycled,computers,peripherals,surplus,hardware,software
Had to hunt up some SCSI cables today.
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the new militia
From The Globe and Mail
In the post-Sept. 11 world, Mel believes — like many gun enthusiasts — that Americans must reconnect with their roots as a citizen army.
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important etiquette tip
To save embarrassment at parties, learn to tell the difference between the sound of the grenade pin and that of dropped car keys.
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record cold day: perfect for a beach party
Yesterday, we finally had my five-year-old’s birthday party.
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Eat at Gorditos
Only eat here if you’re hungry. Really hungry.
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the Wedgwood Erratic
Expert: Windows a “house of cards”
The Seattle Times: Business & Technology: MIT computer scientist takes stand in support of Microsoft
He said the software is […] “like […] a house of cards.”
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the idiot box
looks like TV turnoff week has already come and gone for 2002.
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paradise found
The Official St Helena Government Webpage – Tourism – Communications
In March 1995 the Company [Cable & Wireless] introduced television to the island . . . .
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