overdone but amusing all the same

O’Reilly Network: More on MS Mac FUD [September 18, 2002]

An excerpt from one of a few emails Tim O’Reilly shared on his weblog.

. . . . you can basically sum up Microsoft’s position as “our software strategy is screwed, our vendors hate us, our developers aren’t buying in, and the Mac guys have gotten their act together again”.

Other notes: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/1743 and http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/1710

Linux-Windows TCO contest ‘a wash’ for now

searchWindowsManageability.com: The Windows Manageability Specific Search Engine presented by TechTarget.com

I wasn’t sure what I would find here: I suspected it might reinforce my thinking that for J Q Public, it all comes down to applications and Windows clearly owns the corporate desktop right now.

But claiming Windows has an edge in scalability, file systems, and security seems a stretch.

“We’re still working with our partner in this, and we’re not ready to say who that is,” Peter Houston, Microsoft’s Windows platform senior director, told TechTarget on the LinuxWorld floor, where Microsoft had its first LinuxWorld booth. “We’re finding there’s a slight margin in TCO for Linux in very simple Web serving [and] for Windows in super-Web serving, things like hosting environments, that don’t have anything to do with Web-centric applications. There’s a larger [Windows] advantage … in file systems, network infrastructure and security infrastructure.”

from <http://www.oreillynet.com/weblogs/author/36>

perl 5.6.0 rollback for fink

I couldn’t find a better way than this: I just put the Installer Disc 1 in the drive and looked for perl bits.

[/Volumes/Mac OS X Install Disc 1]# cd /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ Disc\ 1/
(root@pink)-(12:03 PM / Wed Sep 18)
[/Volumes/Mac OS X Install Disc 1]# find . -name "*perl*"

Then I just copied them over. No luck compiling the 5.6.x releases, for some reason . . . .

Why doesn’t fink

  1. Store it’s libraries by version number as all other OS variants do?
  2. Check perl’s version and rebuild core packages as needed (perl 5.8 didn’t/couldn’t compile the old packages against it’s new core: what’s the benefit to pulling the code from CVS?)?

Continue reading “perl 5.6.0 rollback for fink”

buzz or sound business strategy??

The New Challenge to Microsoft

[ . . . ] outside programmers have long complained that Microsoft makes it hard for them to create software compatible with Windows-based computers.

The government’s antitrust lawsuit was aimed at solving these problems. If it fails to do that — a ruling on a proposed settlement is expected soon — the best hope may be Linux. Since Linux software is free, hundreds of dollars could be cut off the price of a computer. No less important, since Linux’s source code — the intricacies of how it works — is publicly available, programmers don’t have to get permission or assistance from anyone.

But how many IT shops can exploit the power of Open Source code? Take a bunch of earnest young techs with fanny packs full of CDs, armed with the latest server packs and hot fixes, who always seem to fall back on “format and reinstall” as their problem solving technique, and picture them trying to manage Linux. There’s the command line to deal with, the lack of paper manuals, and the painful requirement that one think and understand the system as more than a disposable collection of licenses.

Too harsh a view? I’ve worked in a software development environment that was unable to leverage unencumbered code: would I expect the average MCSE at a non-technical firm to do better?

It’s interesting to monitor the drumbeat of these articles as they sound the deathknell for MSFT’s unquestioned dominance, but it’s hardly credible. Linux, FreeBSD,et al, are not as revolutionary as the personal computer was in the age of Big Iron.

there are no “do overs” in combat

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Wake-up call

It was at this point that the generals and admirals monitoring the war game called time out.

“A phrase I heard over and over was: ‘That would never have happened,'” Van Riper recalls. “And I said: nobody would have thought that anyone would fly an airliner into the World Trade Centre… but nobody seemed interested.”

I agree with the idea that a knockout blow in the 1st day of a 14 day exercise doesn’t mean everyone goes home, but scripting and meddling with the opponent’s chain of command tells me you don’t think you can win any other way.

Being exposed to and possibly trounced by unorthodox tactics is exactly what we should expect in these exercises. The USS Cole, the WTC were both unorthodox, and successful: I don’t suggest we use suicide pilots but we should expect others to and we should have a defense against that.

<from Rebecca’a Pocket>

fink, jaguar, and perl 5.8

perl 5.8.0 issue on Mac OS X w/ fink

Mac OS X users that have fink installed may experience the following error when executing certain perl operations (see ‘EXAMPLE’). dyld: perl Undefined symbols: _Perl_safefree _Perl_safemalloc _Perl_saferealloc _Perl_sv_2pv _perl_call_sv _perl_eval_sv _perl_get_sv

This was just the jumpstart I needed. I have not been able to get perl 5.6.x reinstalled properly, but after reading this page, I reinstalled perl 5.8.0, then reinstalled CPAN from scratch. It in turn reinstalled Storable. That cleared everything up. Fink now works again.

the truth can hurt: here’s how much

How to Get Bad News to the Top

Sidebar: How to Be a Good Bearer of Bad News
Nothing’s tougher than confronting your boss with a bombshell: A project is way over cost or off schedule, or a key part of the business seems to be doctoring the data. You want to give the boss the heads up — without getting your head handed to you. Fast Company’s panel of experts has this advice.

My response to that is here.

cognitive dissonance

How to Get Bad News to the Top

What exactly is it about bad news that makes leaders want to ignore it? “There’s a bias for optimism in humans and in organizations,” says Chip Heath, a professor at Stanford Business School who studies how bad news circulates. “Individuals don’t ever go looking for bad news, and we don’t like telling it to others. So bad news is unlikely to get to the people who can actually do something about it.”

This is quite common, unfortunately. For all the useful tips in the FastCompany article cited above, if the powers that be are not willing to accept that reality isn’t living up to their expectations, you have your own cognitive dissonance to work through: do I stay here and help them work it out or do I take care of myself?

According to cognitive dissonance theory, there is a tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions (i.e., beliefs, opinions). When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors (dissonance), something must change to eliminate the dissonance. In the case of a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior, it is most likely that the attitude will change to accommodate the behavior.