Author: paul
from the Tale of Two Cities pool.
soundgarden access restored
Seattle Parks & Recreation: Warren G. Magnuson Park – Public Arts :
NOTE: Due to security concerns, access to NOAA and the Art Walk has been restricted. Photo ID is required to enter (such as a student ID, state driver’s license, etc.). All visitors must use NOAA’s main access road and stop at the security guard station for access. NOAA’s main gate is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Visitors can walk in (but cannot drive in) to Art Walk and Sound Garden. Backpacks will be searched; picnic baskets and other large containers are not allowed. NOAA’s back gate is open as well Monday-Friday, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., so visitors can pass between NOAA property and Magnuson Park. No access on weekends. For more information, contact NOAA site facility manager at (206) 526-6163 or view NOAA’s website at
reason no. 892345 to keep a camera on hand
The folks on the ship had no idea. I’m guessing the PR staff at Maersk could do something with this . . .
Mr Toad has nothing on me
Shot through the windshield while driving under the Mercer Island Lid.
Owing to the generosity of Jack Shedd, I bought my own copy of this:
“The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” (Betty Edwards)
which means the procrastination that allows me to avoid doing the exercises in the library copies no longer works. It’s not going anywhere. So I assembled the materials it calls for last weekend and worked through the pre-education exercise:
- a self-portrait
- a drawing from memory
- a drawing of whichever hand you don’t use to draw with.
Came out better than I expected (and no, I’m not sharing them — yet).
good ideas, poorly summed up
This just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?
As counterintuitive as it may seem, this inexorably leads us to Kontra’s law:
A commercial company’s ability to innovate is inversely proportional to its proclivity to publicly release conceptual products.
[From Why Apple doesn’t do “Concept Products” « counternotions]
Actually, as the essay makes clear, it’s not counterintutive at all. How’s this?
A company’s willingness to invest in concepts that not designed for a real market underscores its inability to lead.
down for the third time, or brother can you spare a dime?
Looks like my venerable (Oct of 2003) iBook G4 is casters up for good and all. Some unusual freezing up yesterday, then a refusal to boot which continues, whether it be from a CD, from it’s own disk, whatever. It works fine in Target Disk mode, so that subset of features is still good. But as a full-fledged laptop? Not so much.
Oh, well. It’s on its third hard drive, second logic board, second case. I think everything has been replaced but the display and keyboard, including the batteries.
For about the same as I spent on that one, I could buy one of these:
If I had it.
another clumsy hack
Seeing a lot of junk that looks spammy, so this is a first cut at denying them whatever they are looking for.
cat /usr/local/www/data-dist/.htaccess.base > /usr/local/www/data-dist/.htaccess.tmp
grep "Successfully fetched" /var/log/httpd/httpd-error.log | awk '{ print $8 }' | cut -d"." -f1,2,3 | >> /usr/local/www/data-dist/.htaccess.dyn
sort -n /usr/local/www/data-dist/.htaccess.dyn | uniq | awk '{ print "Deny from "$1"." }' >> /usr/local/www/data-dist/.htaccess.tmp
cp /usr/local/www/data-dist/.htaccess.tmp /usr/local/www/data-dist/.htaccess