competition for iTunes?

Radiohead catalogue high quality downloads | Radiohead At Ease:

As of today, you can finally download the full Radiohead catalogue in high quality through The catalogue consists of all of Radiohead’s albums plus a large number of singles, available in the 320 Kbps, DRM-free MP3 format.

You can download the tracks through the Download Store at, which is powered by 7digital. EMI, Radiohead’s record label for all the offered downloads, commented on choosing 7digital over iTunes: “iTunes insists that all its albums are sold unbundled, but 7digital doesn’t. Radiohead prefer to have their albums sold complete. The artist has a choice, and if they feel strongly then we respect that.” The albums are available for £6.99 each.

Radiohead insist their albums sell complete, no buying individual tracks? Whatever . . . and £6.99 is almost $14 at today’s exchange rate. So also more expensive to buy this way (albums are usually $9.99 at iTunes). Good luck with that. They’re out of their contract, and can do whatever they want . . . .

this is why I could use one

★ Notes and Observations Regarding Apple’s Announcements From ‘The Beat Goes On’ Special Event, Which, Inexplicably, I Didn’t Bother to Publish Two Weeks Ago When They Were Relevant:

160 GB is more storage than many personal computers offer. Fill it up with typical MP3 or AAC audio, and it would take three months to listen to it all. The appeal though, is that you can just sync your entire library every time you connect with iTunes, without worrying about specifying a certain subset to carry on your iPod.

for one thing, my music collection is starting to run my out of hard drive space on my laptop, at close to 40 Gb: my iPod is a 10Gb. It does happen that I look for something I don’t have on there.

Imagine being able to back up the laptop to the iPod, as well as carry 100 Gb of music around.

links for 2007-09-19

Extra Recycled Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day:

“It is beyond my ability or purpose here to describe a world where a true market system could have developed without such state intervention. A world in which peasants had held onto their land and property was widely distributed, capital was freely available to laborers through mutual banks, productive technology was freely available in every country without patents, and every people was free to develop locally without colonial robbery, is beyond our imagination. But it would have been a world of decentralized, small-scale production for local use, owned and controlled by those who did the work—as different from our world as day from night, or freedom from slavery.”
— Kevin Carson, The Iron Fist Behind The Invisible Hand

prehistoric equipment

I just gave away two old 35mm enlargers that were cluttering things up and now I get to uncrate and figure out how an Omega DII works.

This is what it should look like. It doesn’t now, as the baseboard didn’t come with it. I told the seller to leave it out as I didn’t see any reason why I needed to have that shipped as well.

According to Harry Taylor, this is the precursor to the best enlarger ever made and a solid workhorse in its own right.