to the boneyard, updated

Clearing out a lot of old surplus junk this week, and my local recycler is going to be the beneficiary. I have to pay him, it’s so bad.

  • gateway PC, ca. 1993 (a raging 233 MHz)
  • PowerMac 9500, ca. 1995 (identically fast)
  • 17 inch display
  • 15 inch display
  • assorted keyboards
  • a logic board I picked up and never used
  • some old disk drives and CD drives.

[cost me $36.50 to get rid of this $%^&. Apple branded monitors cost extra to get rid of, apparently, so the 17 inch Studio Display separated me from $15.]

Trying to sell an old G3 iMac on Craigslist, without a lot of optimism, even for a tenth of what it cost 7 years ago. I figured the kids might use it, but they prefer the G5 iMac (not that I blame them) and I like them using it where I can see ’em.

Keeping, for now, an old ThinkPad with a good DVD drive, as a way to play DVDs, if nothing else. I scraped it clean and applied the restore CD today, but I may put Ubuntu on it just to see if that makes better use of it than Win2K.

[Ubuntu won’t install on the ThinkPad, as there is a risk of overwriting the serial eeprom, according to an error displayed, just before the process gives up and hangs.]

links for 2007-09-01