chrome and cupholders

Technology Review: Objects of Desire:

Once an object reaches technological maturity, it becomes about an aesthetic feature set. In the consumer electronics industry, we’re constantly riding that wave.”

Substitute “products” for “electronics” and you’ll see why I have been calling this the “Chrome and Cupholders” ethos: the automobile as we know it is unchanged since the 30s(?) — metal body, integral fenders, enclosed, self-starting — so all changes since have been incremental and in many cases inconsequential or even reversals (tailfins?).

The safety improvements we take for granted didn’t originate inside the automakers. And the new power train options we’re seeing are pretty late in coming, when you consider electric and steam powered cars were not uncommon 100 years ago.

Anyway, read the whole thing, as they say.

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Curious story of what’s up with JPG Magazine, a photography…

Curious story of what’s up with JPG Magazine, a photography…:

Curious story of what’s up with JPG Magazine, a photography mag founded by Heather Champ and Derek Powazek. Derek formed a new company (8020 Publishing) with a friend (Paul Cloutier) and that company bought JPG. Then, says Derek, “Paul informed me that we were inventing a new story about how JPG came to be that was all about 8020. He told me not to speak of that walk in Buena Vista, my wife, or anything that came before 8020.” The founding and the first 6 issues of JPG were removed from the site and Derek left his company. More from Heather and on MetaFilter, including this nice sentiment: “The great thing about a labour of love is the love, not the labour.” (link)


quote of the day

MzNicky sounds off for Peace Day:

What I really want for Mother’s Day is for this whole guilt-tripping consumerist extravaganza to become “Peace Day” again. I have Mother’s Day every time I see my kids. It’s enough. And it’s enough already with the floral bouquets, the bubble bath and the gift certificates for a facial and massage. Well, okay, I’ll take the massage. And peace. Peace would be nice. So, Happy Peace Day.

SOLD: Fuji Absolute Road Bike, medium size, 2004, less than 20 miles

Fuji Absolute Road Bike, medium size, 2004, less than 20 miles:

This is a great ride that isn’t getting ridden: far too nice to collect dust, so here’s hoping Craigslist helps it find a home.
 7G Ev Ekxl36Yj216B6Oyo7Ail5Vguict2

Two very nice young ladies just came by, test rode it, and will be out racking up the miles.

how do people like this keep their jobs?

Reasons to Be Mean to the Washington Post’s Fred Hiatt, Part MCCXXXIII:

Back in the winter of 2003, when Europeans–serious Europeans–smart Europeans–establishment Europeans–submitted op-eds to the Washington Post saying “let the weapons inspectors in Iraq do their work,” Fred Hiatt rejected them. Fred Hiatt rejected them, telling at least one:

We do not need criticism [of the Bush administration]. The decision [to attack Iraq] has been made. We have to get behind it, and deal with the world as it is, and not as we wish it would be.

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