Command line Interface mode and Backup with Mac OS X

Command line Interface mode and Backup with Mac OS X:

This document explain how to setup a backup on a Mac OS X server without additional software than those provided by Apple.

This chapter is intended to system administrator familiar with Terminal mode. You must undertstand basic shell commands to get advantage of this document.

worth exploring: I found this while researching what a “cpgz” file was. Turns out it’s an archived created by ditto, compressed.

I find Backup, the application, to be a bit balky: perhaps this will give me better results.

Safari’s cookie problem

*scottstuff*: Speeding up Safari (2):

So, if Safari’s running slow, try cleaning out your cookies.

Update: Thinking about it a bit more, it seems obvious what’s happening—every single HTTP request does a linear read of the cookie database. With some sites, a decent percentage of the HTTP requests also result in a write to the cookie database. Most likely, this triggers a reader-writer lock of the cookie DB, so the write stalls waiting for a bunch of slow reads, and then a handful of writes back up one after the other, so even if the cookie handling is only eating 9% of the CPU, the total wall-clock time lost due to locking could easily be really substantial. Even worse, this effectively serializes HTTP requests, limiting the system to one cookie-invoking request at a time. That’d explain a lot of the weird behavior that I’ve seen in Safari, where one slow website will block a dozen tabs from loading. Does anyone know if Tiger has a new cookie implementation? Any decent database system will solve all of these problems.

I wonder if someone could write a hack that intercepts those requests and handles the IO with something more efficient. Could be a good proof of concept to convince Apple to make it work that way.

So does FireFox handle things differently? I don’t know if I could tell but perhaps someone is looking into that.

maybe switching isn’t for everyone?

Photo Matt >> Braindead Finder Behaviour (1):

Well OS X does this crazy thing where when you drag the folder onto the desktop it asks you if you want to replace the folder with the same name. On Windows I always say yes and it just adds the new pictures to those already in the folder. In OS X it apparently means delete the folder that’s already there and replace it with the one you’re dragging.

Well, yeah, replace means just that. I’m having a hard time getting my mind around a programmer not grokking that the replace in “search and replace” means the same thing outside a text editor.

Photo Matt >> Braindead Finder Behaviour:

The loss of information because of the lack of feedback from an interface is asinine.

What lack of feedback?

Apparently, the default behavior of Windows Explorer is to merge two folders/directories together. How is that replacing something? If I replace the family car, do I smash the two together and drive the resulting wreck? And is that dialog box somehow unclear? Or are some people too cool to read dialog boxes?

the scariest thing I’ve read in a while

The Man Who Saved the World Finally Recognized – FEATURE – MOSNEWS.COM:

Half an hour past midnight on September 26, 1983, he saw the first apparent launch on his computer monitor in a glass-walled room on the top floor of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) command and control post.

“I was supposed to supervise the combat crew. When the first launch happened, everyone was stupefied. After the first launch, I started giving orders, because in the room below, where there were five switchboards, and all the operators jumped out of their seats to see what my reaction was. I can only imagine what went on at the other posts.”

The warning system was by now showing five missile launches in the U.S., headed toward the Soviet Union. The “START” command Petrov was expected to give would have started an irreversible chain reaction in a system geared to launch a counter-strike without human interference.

“The main computer wouldn’t ask me [what to do] — it was made so that it wouldn’t even ask. It was specially constructed in such a way that no one could affect the system’s operations.” All that was up to Petrov was analyzing the available information and either saying the alarm was false or giving the computer the go-ahead, as per the directive he himself wrote.

Why Didn’t He Do It?

All the data checked out, to all appearances, the system was right on target — or rather, the missiles it reported were. A couple of thoughts flashed past Petrov’s mind.

“I just couldn’t believe that just like that, all of a sudden, someone would hurl five missiles at us. Five missiles wouldn’t wipe us out. The U.S. had not five, but a thousand missiles in battle readiness.” It just didn’t seem like any scenario considered by military intelligence before.

The second thought on Petrov’s mind every time he was on duty was this:

“I imagined if I’d assume the responsibility for unleashing the third World War — and I said, no, I wouldn’t.”

The tension must have been overwhelming — did he really have the time to consider the global context of his actions?

“I always thought of it. Whenever I came on duty, I always refreshed it in my memory. At that moment, there was no time to think, I had to work, work, work.”

Petrov reported the alarm to his superiors and declared it false.

In other words, he did exactly what an automated system couldn’t have done: he thought, weighed the facts, and made a decision that may not have been on the decision tree but was right nonetheless.

<shudder> You’ve read Fail-safe, right?

[hat tip]

Now playing: In The Morning Of The Magicians by The Flaming Lips from the album “Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots” | Get it (3)

What he said, but with punctuation

The countdown for the extinction of CDs is about to begin – Blog Maverick – _ (7):
People will use music stores (online or on earth) that let them discover music: samples, freebies, or just old school knowledgeable staff (remember that?)

I agree totally that access to all the tracks in a given store for mp3/ogg/aac/lossless distribution would be cheap and super-popular: any progressive college town (say, Seattle or Vancouver) would be a great place to put one.

Eventually, I could see it as an unmanned kiosk in the corner of some other shop: an RJ45 in the back and a couple of firewire/USB dongles in front with a login screen and a card swipe is all you’d need.

(I didn’t realize on first gloss that he described the exact thing I did in the preceding graf . . . )

So how much per song? $.25? Or are we wedded to the $.99 price point from iTMS?

one for the LazyWeb?

This may be scriptable and therefore simple, but it would interesting to have iTunes automatically assign a playlist for the work of an artist. Suppose I want to use Party Shuffle with only a given artist as my source. Or perhaps I want a genre as soundscaping for an evening’s entertainment. Do I have to do all the work and build playlists for all this myself? – MIT developing $100 laptops for children – Apr 4, 2005

So that’s what Negroponte has been up to. – MIT developing $100 laptops for children – Apr 4, 2005
In design and function, Negroponte wants the $100 laptop to “be so close to the current laptops as to be nearly indistinguishable,” but acknowledges that the machine will have a relatively slow processor and modest storage capacity paired with barebones software.

The biggest challenge, he says, is designing a display that doesn’t put the price out of reach or drain the battery too quickly.

Details are still being worked out, but here’s the MIT team’s current recipe: Put the laptop on a software diet; use the freely distributed Linux operating system; design a battery capable of being recharged with a hand crank; and use newly developed “electronic ink” or a novel rear-projected image display with a 12-inch screen.

Then, give it Wi-Fi access, and add USB ports to hook up peripheral devices.

Interesting if some of these technologies (a good-looking low-power screen would be a real breakthrough) make it back into the for-profit segments.