poking a hornet’s nest

Bow downtown

Originally uploaded by rexp2.

So I see a picture like this and hey, it’s good, well-composed, nice exposure. But check out the recipe:

Nikon D300 with Soligor 28mm f/2.0 lens and Hoya R72 filter. Allien[sic] Skin Exposure 2 simulation of Kodak HIE IR film, including grain and halation. I totally ignored the red channel and used roughly a 50/50 mix of the blue and green channels. The clouds had better contrast in this way.

That’s a lot of effort to replicate/simulate a specific type of film. I’d like to see something that digital cameras can do that film cameras can’t. A D300 is about a grand. The glass couple hundred more, plus some computer hardware and time.

You could also do this with a roll of IR film on a cheap film camera. The lens is of marginal importance as you have to stop way down with this stuff anyway. You get to be the exposure controls. So a high-end camera is of no benefit.

This starts to sound like Mac vs PC where the best a PC user could come up with was “it’s just as good” while forgetting how much time and additional components/ expenses it took to get there.


Not sure this is a great sample (will ” cuil yourself ” take over “googling yourself?”). ooops.jpg I have the third link from my name in Google (second if you allow that the second is an inside page at Beard Guitars).

Not sure this is a great sample (will “cuil yourself” take over “googling yourself?”).


I have the third link from my name in Google (second if you allow that the second is an inside page at Beard Guitars). And yes, I own a couple, but I’m not in the same league the guy who makes ’em.

a sorting game

Daily Kos: The Wingnut Index, based on the Crackpot Index.

The Wingnut Index

5 points
Each use of “Democrat Party.”
Each use of “liberal elite.”
Each declaration that kos readers should “leave America.”

10 points
Each use of the phrase “hate site.”
Each mention of Nazis, Commies, Reds, brownshirts or stormtroopers.
Each blind repetition of phrases provided by your close pal Bill, Rush, or Sean.
For contending that liberals are aiding terrorists.
Each time the writer insists that the recipient is “going to burn in hell.”
Each physical threat to the recipient.

15 points
Including “San Francisco” in letters that have nothing to do with San Francisco.
Discussion of water / food additives and their feminizing effect on the men of America.
Insisting that liberals “want America to lose.”
Each alternate theory for the death of Vincent Foster.
Each alternate theory for the death of Ron Brown.
Each alternate theory posed to replace evolution.
Each explanation for why global warming is a hoax.

20 points
Each use of “DemocRAT Party.”
Each time the writer wishes the recipient would burn in hell.
Asserting the recipient belongs in Gitmo.
Each physical threat to the recipient’s family & pets.
Each use of the term “Darwinism.”
Each use of the term “algore.”

25 points
Wishing on the recipient death, cancer, a stray bullet, or a visit from Bill O’Reilly.
Each use of “clearly” or “obviously” appended to any of the above. (i.e. “Since you liberals clearly want America to be defeated by the terrorists, obviously you belong in Gitmo” makes for a 70 point sentence.)

30 points
Each loving description of the torture the author would love to inflict.
Letters written IN ALL CAPS.

50 point
Each serious, affirmative use of the term PUMA.
Sending a letter complaining about how kos is censoring you because you can’t post thirty seconds after registering.
Sending a letter complaining about how kos is censoring you, when you’ve been booted by the community for 101 crappy comments.
Sending a letter complaining about how kos is censoring you, when you haven’t bothered to register at the site.

100 points
Each use of the word “Bush” in association with “unrecognized genius.”

Special awards are given for creative use of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. (i.e. “u LIBURrrLLS, R D SuXeS!?!” hits none of the categories above, and yet, still has the toasty zing of nuttery.)

For those people still wondering how they might most curry favor with Bill O’Reilly by telling him about the mean, mean words they sent this way, don’t think of these scores as restrictions on your speech — think of them as a challenge.

so how to resolve this?

The title of that post is a little confrontational but “John Gruber doesn’t understand the FSF’s narrow definition of freedom as it applies the distribution of software” was too long. Anyway, I’m curious what Apple or the developers have to do to resolve this, if they care to…. I had this conversation with the Learned Professors at The Worst Job I Ever Had and they thought the GPL’s provisions requiring source code were goofy, as they had no interest in hacking or building from source.

Apple is in violation of the software’s licence for distributing these GPL applications through the App Store in the first place.

[From John Gruber doesn’t understand freedom // plasmasturm.org]

The title of that post is a little confrontational but “John Gruber doesn’t understand the FSF’s narrow definition of freedom as it applies the distribution of software” was too long.

Anyway, I’m curious what Apple or the developers have to do to resolve this, if they care to. Is the GPL enforceable? Would Apple face some penalty? If you distribute the source code but the development/deployment environment requires additional resources (a developer key or API access code), does that mean the GPL has been violated? So far, Google and WordPress have put wares in the App store. Are they the sinners, is it Apple, or all of them?

I had this conversation with the Learned Professors at The Worst Job I Ever Had and they thought the GPL’s provisions requiring source code were goofy, as they had no interest in hacking or building from source. But I argued at the time that just because they couldn’t didn’t mean no one else was interested.

this doesn’t work as expected

I was kinda hoping I would get referring URLs with these redirects. Who the %^&* still uses the Distributed BB hack, anyway?

I was kinda hoping I would get referring URLs with these redirects. Who the %^&* still uses the Distributed BB hack, anyway? - - [24/Jul/2008:12:43:42 -0700] "GET /dbb.php?http://www.boingboing.net/2005/12/30/ignoring-uk-ban-blog.html HTTP/1.1" 302 - "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)"

almost universal

Instead, I think[,] like most people, the[y]se developers are cursed with an agenda of selfishness. So long as they have an unrestricted ability to play in their little sandbox, they’re content. Start throwing up barriers, and they’ll elect or adopt any philosophy convenient to their case.

That it’s often libertarianism seems more a coincidence of convenience than anything else.

They also have the weird habit of saying “we” when they mean “me.”