
  • Anyone ordered Leopard (aka OS X 10.5) yet? Some people have made a cool grand from other people buying it. if you’re going to order it anyway and want some of the proceeds to flow someone’s way, pick me, pick me!
  • Anyone got Gmail’s IMAP option to show itself? Reloading through the day and it has yet to appear.

And for some reason the Amazon ASIN or product ID for Leopard (B000FK88JK) was impossible to find though ecto or Amazon’s own linkbuilding tools.

dd-wrt updating

I have been having some trouble with my dd-wrt-powered wireless AP. I have a LinkSys WRT54G and have been running the dd-wrt firmware for as long as I have had it. But lately it has been giving me some issues with dropouts. Service just temporarily goes away. I’m not completely hosed as I also have a FON router in place, but it only supports DHCP and I use static addresses.

So I grabbed the latest version (DD-WRT v24 std) and looked into installing it. Turns out there is a way to install on the command-line, without the risk of over-the-air upgrades getting bogged down or breaking.

This is available on routers that have DD-WRT installed and SSH enabled.

[From Installation – DD-WRT Wiki]

Excellent. That’s what I have. But I found the instructions a little complicated. If you have an SMB/cifs share available. it’s a lot easier to simply place the new firmware there and load it, rather than try to fetch it from the router itself. I haven’t found the ipkg infrastructure to work all that well. I haven’t tried it in v24, only v23, so things might be better now. But upgrading to 24 implies you don’t have it, right?

Anyway, I edited the page (the link is above) and hope it helps someone else.

links for 2007-10-23

links for 2007-10-22