who’s he trying to kid?

Has anyone done more to poison the well of public discourse that Newt?

Newt Gingrich on ‘this phony war’:

“We used to be a serious country. When we got attacked at Pearl Harbor, we took on Imperial Japan, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. We beat all three in less than four years. We’re about to enter the seventh year of this phony war against … [terrorist groups], and we’re losing.”

Newt Gingrich used to make bologna, now he hates it:

“We have got to get beyond this political bologna. I’m not allowed to say anything positive about Hillary Clinton because then I’m not a loyal Republican, and she’s not allowed to say anything positive about me because then she’s not a loyal Democrat. What a stupid way to run a country.”

Amazing. He’s finally realized that making any issue into a partisan talking point, that politicizing anything and everything, even language, is bad for the country. Some history teacher he must have been. What a child.

Continue reading “who’s he trying to kid?”


I put in a little message that appears on individual entry/post pages, suggesting if the entry was useful, a donation would be a fine gesture.

I just got $5 (less some PayPal friction): thanks, Susan.

That’s a month of AdSense revenue, based on the last time I looked at that.

Every little helps. 4600 entries, some of them have to be helpful, right?

quote of the day

I just keep getting angrier:

One of the most striking signs of our government’s complete immorality and incompetence is that they have turned the architect of 9/11 into a victim of human rights abuses. In a saner country, right now we would be gloating over his lawful trial and conviction, patting ourselves on the back for being a country that can bring even the worst of the worst to justice. We would be pointing to his imprisonment as proof that our system works, and pointing to his trial as evidence of our superiority, that we have nothing to hide and nothing to fear from an open airing of the facts.

links for 2007-08-05

  • “If you’re keen to know the current status of the 100 Prince Street wireless network, tune in to the live XML file with network status information on all the nodes in the network.” I wish FON did this.
  • and some other oddities: a 300v battery? Put your tongue across those terminals, Bunky. These NiCD packs are much cheaper than the specialty ones. Surprise, surprise . . .

better living with screen(1)

I get tired of running jobs that I forget to nohup and background: if my laptop goes to sleep, the jobs exit and I have to restart them. Or perhaps I just want to keep en eye on something without cluttering up another window.

So I decided to take another look at screen(1). I didn’t realize it was in the base system on OS X, assuming it was a MacPorts or other open source add-on. But I know I’ll forget about starting it if I don’t make it a habit. Turns out someone else has figured out how to handle that.


This handy tip means I’ll either start up a new instance of screen and re-attach to any existing terminals or simply re-attach with an existing instance. Sounds like a winner.

not sure the math works here

So we see these signs around different public buildings. I read this one for the umpteenth time and the number 40,000 jumped out at me.


40,000 gallons? OK, that’s 109 gallons per day, based on a full 365 days. Seems kinda high to me. If it’s a gallon per use, that’s 109 uses. Given that I could take a cameraphone picture without attracting undue attention, this facility doesn’t see that much use.

Makes me wonder how many other public statistics are similarly goofed up.

links for 2007-08-04

anyone want to do this?

The Sketchbook Project | 500 sketchbooks sent around the world | One gallery show:

We’re sending out 500 sketchbooks. You fill them and send them back. Then we throw a show with all of the books plastered across our wall, free for people to flip through.

My old hometown of Decatur is host to this innovative fundraiser. You send them $13, they send you a Moleskine to fill with depictions of your fears, drawings, sketches, words, photos; you send it back and they display it.

I’m tempted just to have a goal/assignment to work on. I feel the energy but no direction and a lot of other distractions that make it easy to put things off.

Whaddaya think? 9 books left: are you in? Is your fear having to fill a book with art? (Hmm, there’s a powerful idea there: what scares people more than a blank page that they have to fill?) Wanna spot me the $13?

Hmm, they’re just a mile and a half from where we lived when my children were born.