I dropped my RAZR V3c in the lake the other week and was able to get hold a of a replacement, via FreeCycle. I now have a Samsung A670. Getting it activated was one phone call to Verizon and another to do over the air programming: simple as can be, and did much to rehab Verizon’s reputation with me.

As for the phone, I’m unimpressed. Oh, sure, it works as a phone, but the interface is way clunkier than any of the Motorola phones I have had (the past 3, if memory serves). The camera is useless, since you can’t get the pictures off without paying Verizon for the privilege. And the camera can’t be used without using one of a selection of really cartoony shutter sounds. So it’s a great handset for 12 year olds. The ringtones are not much better.
The ability to synchronize my contacts, ie the phones numbers I actually use and no longer remember, would be nice. Samsung and Verizon differ on that, apparently.
Still, can’t complain too much considering it was free, even though that’s the same price I paid for the RAZR, the V265, and whatever I had before that.
I’m going to keep on eye on eBay for a decent used RAZR. Looks like they come in well under the $100 that Verizon wants me to pay for a replacement, and all I need is the phone, not the charger or manual. Any reasonable BlueTooth phone would suit, though.