Cory Doctorow offers an apology to Ursula K Le Guin.
After reading his piece and hers, it’s just a mess. He posts a very short work of hers in it entirety, and I think legally, though given his association with the volatile area of copyright and Fair Use, it may not have been all that well thought out (maybe one of the other principals at BB could have done it?). In reply, does she or her various representatives use any of the commonly accepted methods of communication, like registered/certified mail? No, she uses an intermediary who is an antagonist of Doctorow’s and whose email is discarded unread, programmatically. Some other of her peers and allies get their licks in, via their websites, but I don’t see any effort to contact the offender directly.
The discussion seems to be all about open letters and intermediaries. Don’t these people have telephones? Or mutual friends?
In my time at The Worst Job I Ever Had, the most antagonistic person I dealt with had a gift for epigrams, if not for self-awareness: the one I remember best was that people who are secure can be gracious. In other words, most of the petty squabbling we run into is all about power and status. Why, then, is someone like Le Guin being so mean-spirited about this to someone who is an avowed fan? Is it more about his positions on rights and usage than about his use of her work? Does she feel threatened by his public statements?
I’m not a huge fan of the pugnacious Mr Doctorow, though I agree with most of what he says on the issues of copyright: I have to take his side on this one, though.