brain surgery

How to disassemble / take apart an Apple Newton MessagePad 2000 / 2100

So you want to take apart your trusty old MessagePad 2000 or 2100? Good luck! Doing this is not for the faint at heart.

Neglect is an ugly thing. I had just decided to see if I could make my faithful Newton MessagePad 2000 part of my day again, when I discovered it won’t boot. Nothing will bring it back to life.

So I’m not sure what I’ll do now. I’d like to know what’s wrong with this one. But another one may be in the future. Now it seems there are connection tools for OS X, which I also discovered today.

All in all, not a particularly great day.

a better class of DMCA counter-protest

Letter to Warner Brothers: A Night in Casablanca — Chilling Effects Clearinghouse

I just don’t understand your attitude. Even if you plan on releasing your picture, I am sure that the average movie fan could learn in time to distinguish between Ingrid Bergman and Harpo. I don’t know whether I could, but I certainly would like to try.

Would that the over-anxious “shysters” (Groucho’s word, not mine) were as easily dissuaded from their foolishness as Warner Brothers . . . .

Use a firewall, go to jail

Freedom to Tinker: Use a Firewall, Go to Jail

If you have a home DSL router, or if you use the “Internet Connection Sharing” feature of your favorite operating system product, you’re in violation because these connection sharing technologies use NAT. Most operating system products (including every version of Windows introduced in the last five years, and virtually all versions of Linux) would also apparently be banned, because they support connection sharing via NAT.

This also include wireless base stations like the Apple Airport (all versions) and similar products from other vendors. So on the one hand, MSFT, AAPL and the like, including the broadband providers, are making it easy to set up a home network while Hollywood wants to make it illegal.

Do you think they could spend a fraction of the energy they’re spending on criminalizing the use of their products on coming up with a 21st century business model?

anyone remember OpenDoc?


One-size-fits-all, one-app-is-all-you-need, one-api-and-damn-the-torpedoes has turned out to be an imperfect strategy for the long haul.

It sounds like he’s suggesting a component-based architecture:

OpenDoc is a cross-platform technology that replaces conventional applications with user-assembled groups of software components. OpenDoc allows users to create virtually any kind of custom software solution.

new wheels

Fuji Bikes

New bike today. Rode my too-large mountain bike in the rain to one of the many local bike shops and traded it against a Fuji Finest. Rode it home in an even harder rain but it was a lot easier to ride, more responsive, and more fun.

As noted elsewhere, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes. And I was wearing ’em today. Shopping for a rain-proof but breathable cycling jacket now.


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