Ray Bradbury (yes, that Ray Bradbury) on monorails

Cory Doctorow posted a piece about an LA Times OpEd by the famous author on that holy grail of transit options, the monorail.

L.A.’s future is up in the air – Los Angeles Times:

If we examine the history of subways, we will find how tremendously expensive and destructive they are.

They are, first of all, meant for cold climates such as Toronto, New York, London, Paris, Moscow and Tokyo. But L.A. is a Mediterranean area; our weather is sublime, and people are accustomed to traveling in the open air and enjoying the sunshine, not in closed cars under the ground.

Subways take forever to build and, because the tunnels have to be excavated, are incredibly expensive. The cost of one subway line would build 10 monorail systems.

Along the way, subway construction destroys businesses by the scores. The history of the subway from East L.A. to the Valley is a history of ruined businesses and upended lives.

The monorail is extraordinary in that it can be built elsewhere and then carried in and installed in mid-street with little confusion and no destruction of businesses. In a matter of a few months, a line could be built from Long Beach all the way along Western Avenue to the mountains with little disturbance to citizens and no threat to local businesses.

Compared to the heavy elevateds of the past, the monorail is virtually soundless. Anyone who has ridden the Disneyland or Seattle monorails knows how quietly they move.

They also have been virtually accident-free. The history of the monorail shows few collisions or fatalities.If we constructed monorails running north and south on Vermont, Western, Crenshaw and Broadway, and similar lines running east and west on Washington, Pico, Wilshire, Santa Monica and Sunset, we would have provided a proper cross section of transportation, allowing people to move anywhere in our city at any time.

There you have it. As soon as possible, we must call in one of the world’s monorail-building companies to see what could be done so that the first ones could be in position by the end of the year to help our huddled traffic masses yearning to travel freely.

The freeway is the past, the monorail is our future, above and beyond.

Let the debate begin.

The debate is over here in Seattle. After 40 years of dithering, the monorail is dead. After repeated efforts — approved by voters at the polls — the project is dissolving.
And we’re building a light-rail — subway — system instead. It’s hard to argue with the decision, as the monorail management, as best I can tell, acted like drunken royalty with the tax proceeds, without delivering a workable project plan. The initial line was planned to run from Magnolia (later Ballard) to West Seattle. Many thought a more easterly line — from Green Lake/Greenwood to Downtown or from the University area to Downtown — would have been more useful. The light-rail system does that, as it turns out. I wonder if, had the two projects tried to link the same areas, the monorail would have made a better case for itself?

Some people have no doubt as to who is responsible.

I liked the monorail for the added dimension it added: perhaps this is some Jetson-esque dream, but I imagined monorail stations at Qwest Field or Safeco Field, high above the street, bringing people to the games without having to go back to the gates at street level. Likewise, office buildings downtown could build stations at the 5th floor, say, opening up a retail or restaurant area in addition to the ground level options.

Oh, well, back into our cars.

Now playing: Tramp The Dirt Down (Demo) by Elvis Costello from the album “Spike Bonus Disc”

trash talking

Oliver Willis » Superbowl XL Prediction:

I simply cannot get the image of a bunch of Niles Crane clones whooping it up for their hometown Seahawks out of my head.

Niles Crane?

<yawn> aren’t stereotypes fun?

Not sure why I should pay the slightest attention to anyone who gets their insights into the population of a major american city from a TV sitcom . . .

Of course, the manly city of Washington DC is once again watching the SuperBowl as a non-participant.

coffee: so much more than just a blood substitute

Smelling the Coffee: Starbucks or Peet’s:

You see, Peet’s doesn’t have wireless Internet service for computers! Can you even imagine that? And Peet’s doesn’t even begin to understand coffee-shop atmosphere. So for work, it’s Starbucks.

We have wirelessly endowed Peet’s here, as well as every other variety of caffeine purveyor. Last coffee venue I used with wireless was the Herkimer on Greenwood . . .

Now playing: TMBG Podcast 2A by They Might Be Giants

get a hobby

Get a hobby, I have been told, something that requires me to put this silicon-based device aside for some amount of time.

OK, perhaps I’ll see if I can re-kindle my interest in photography. Went out and bought some chemicals and am steeling myself to go out and take some black and white pictures. Looking through all those old slides and negatives (what is this a picture of? and why are the three exposures of this scene?) has me wondering why, but I am also remembering the feeling I had while taking some of them. I enjoyed it.

Then I saw these images.

And this guy has posted up some new stuff.
Hmm, that raised the stakes a little bit. Both very different kinds of images and with styles that are tied to the subject matter or the media/supplies used (one guy can only shoot 4 days a month and the other is using a film stock that is rapidly disappearing).

I like them both. The amazing colors of the moonlight images are wonderful, but the depth of those B&W Polaroids is great too. I find I can look at them for quite awhile: there’s so much depth of field, there are lots of details to explore.

Wonder if I can take that stuff back and take up something else?


Sunday scans

I am working through the backlog of pictures — both chrome slides and b&w negatives — and may share a few from time to time.

Old Barn

an old barn, somewhere in the Smoky Mountains (most likely Cades Cove, a place I spent a lot of time with a camera).

Rock In Moving Water 1

a mossy rock, protruding from a small waterfall. Exposure detail unrecorded, but obviously a couple of seconds exposure.

leaf. rock. water.

Continue reading “Sunday scans”

democracy in action

“I’m tired of hearing it said that democracy doesn’t work. It isn’t supposed to work. We are supposed to work it.” –Alexander Woolcott

I just sent a couple of mail-form emails to my Senators urging them to take a stand on the Supreme Court nomination. Not that I think much will come of it, but better to fight back and let people see what you’re made of than roll over.

I called their offices earlier today as well — just the local ones, as “circuits were busy” when I tried to call DC.

What do they have to lose if they filibuster? The respect of their peers? I think that’s a foregone conclusion.

And what to gain? Their self-respect, the respect of the electorate (remember them?), and possibly the recognition by their peers that there is an opposition party worth of the title.

doesn’t everyone do this?

Request for Mac OS X developers: put an alias for Applications in your install image:

In the meantime, something that can make application installing a little faster is to drag the Applications folder into the documents section of the OS X “dock,” so that you end up like this:
 Images Appdock

Now installing apps is as simple as draging them from the install image onto this icon on the dock.

As I noted on Ruk’s site, this is something I’ve done for so long, I can’t imagine not doing it.

buyer’s remorse?

Secure File Storage and Sharing – Strongspace.com:

Strongspace is a secure place to gather, store, back-up and share any type of file with your co-workers, friends and family. You can upload, download and manage your files over SFTP (Secure FTP) or with any modern web browser.

I just signed up for StrongSpace, this offsite storage repository, and after tinkering with it, I’m starting to wonder what I’m getting. The offsite aspect of things makes a lot of sense, and I think that will be the selling/tipping point. But even at $8/month [$96/year] one could buy a biggish disk — 30 times the size at today’s prices — and just use it.

Hmm. They make 4Gb USB flash drives now, too.

Now playing: Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street? by Bruce Springsteen from the album “Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J.” | Get it