“So, you’re not really pro-life, more pro-fetus?”
Category: observations
how well do you know your Dead Poets?
Follow said link to a page on our website whereon you will be given little boxes in which to identify each poet, #1 – #8…. Correctly identify all eight, and you will be entered in a drawing for some fabulous, poetry-related prizes!
Merry National Poetry Month, everybody! To honor this most festive of festivals of a literary form, we’re holding a contest. Below, you see the silhouettes of eight dear, departed poets. Below each silhouette is a piece of their poesy. Below all of these things, there is a link. Follow said link to a page on our website whereon you will be given little boxes in which to identify each poet, #1 – #8. Do so.
Correctly identify all eight, and you will be entered in a drawing for some fabulous, poetry-related prizes!
Now one could cheat and use the Google to find them. I recognized the easiest one, and might have a clue on one or two others . . .
how much does Google really know about me?
In my ads in GMail just now: OK, my grandfather worked for the Great Western for 49 years and I have ridden it many times to and from London and various other places in Wilts. And I worked for the newspaper in the second ad while going to school at the institution mentioned.
In my ads in GMail just now:
OK, my grandfather worked for the Great Western for 49 years and I have ridden it many times to and from London and various other places in Wilts. And I worked for the newspaper in the second ad while going to school at the institution mentioned.
what you see everywhere becomes invisible
When racism is this mainstream — on the editorial pages of the nation’s business newspaper — is it any wonder people deny it’s existence? [The WSJ’s] Taranto gets extra credit for his last line, which suggests that Democrats are being intimidated into nominating Obama, as a terrified woman might be intimidated into handing her purse to a mugger.
When racism is this mainstream — on the editorial pages of the nation’s business newspaper — is it any wonder people deny it’s existence?
[The WSJ’s] Taranto gets extra credit for his last line, which suggests that Democrats are being intimidated into nominating Obama, as a terrified woman might be intimidated into handing her purse to a mugger. Expect this theme to be visualized in a McCain ad this fall: a dark alley… ominous footsteps… and then relief as the Maverick comes into view, perhaps with the rest of the Keating Five dressed as Guardian Angels.
[From MAU-MAUING THE FLAK CATCHERS. Always looking for that silver lining, that…]
links for 2008-04-02
this is really cool. now where to find a laser cutter?
links for 2008-04-01
2 billions tress, 800 state parks, and millions of workers given something rewarding to do . . . . sounds good to me.
wha? As long as you eat, don’t you have to cook?
“The music industry, bleeding profusely from largely self inflicted wounds, is proposing to volunteer your wallet to bind their wounds . . . “
if you only read one non-fiction book
“In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto” (Michael Pollan) Even better than the Botany of Desire or Omnivore’s Dilemma, this one really shakes out the food landscape and illustrates what a minefield the modern supermarket is. I buy very little processed food (breakfast cereals are about it) but I think I have some more things to watch out for.
read this one.
“In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto” (Michael Pollan)
Even better than the Botany of Desire or Omnivore’s Dilemma, this one really shakes out the food landscape and illustrates what a minefield the modern supermarket is. I buy very little processed food (breakfast cereals are about it) but I think I have some more things to watch out for.
as the Google flies
w00t, I found a check for $103 in my mailbox this afternoon, courtesy of Google AdSense and you, you lovely people. And almost $10 for the month so far (hey, that’s pretty good for me).
w00t, I found a check for $103 in my mailbox this afternoon, courtesy of Google AdSense and you, you lovely people. And almost $10 for the month so far (hey, that’s pretty good for me).
Couldn’t have come at a better time.
play guitar? read music?
This performance will be in Seattle on May 16 for the Seattle Art Museum’s Party in the Park, a fundraising event celebrating the museum’s 75th Anniversary…. It will not be possible to pay so all musicians must volunteer their time, but food and drink will be supplied at all rehearsals and the performance.
Glenn Branca is seeking 80 guitarists and 20 bass players for his upcoming performance of “Symphony No.13 (Hallucination City)”. This performance will be in Seattle on May 16 for the Seattle Art Museum’s Party in the Park, a fundraising event celebrating the museum’s 75th Anniversary.
There will be two rehearsals on May 14th and 15th from 11:00am to 9pm on both days. And a sound check on the afternoon of May 16, prior to the performance at Olympic Sculpture Park.
It will not be possible to pay so all musicians must volunteer their time, but food and drink will be supplied at all rehearsals and the performance.
All musicians will need to be able to read standard staff notation and follow a part measure by measure.
For more information contact glenn@glennbranca.com and you will be sent a detailed info sheet.
I’m one for two, so I’m out of the running.
wanna sci-fi novel plot?
Reading a piece the other day about Ray Kuzweil and his pill regime — he has a person on staff to manage his nutritional supplements — in his efforts to read the TechnoRapture Singularity, yet another bad SF novel plot came to me…. Assuming the Singularity is reached and bunches of those who can afford to reboot their consciousness into a machine do so, what happens to the rest of the people?
Reading a piece the other day that mentioned Ray Kuzweil and his pill regime — he has a person on staff to manage his nutritional supplements — in his efforts to reach the TechnoRapture Singularity, yet another bad SF novel plot came to me.
What if . . . .
So we know the carrying capacity of the planet is something less than the 6.1 billion we have now if we all want to live like Westerners. Assuming the Singularity is reached and bunches of those who can afford to reboot their consciousness into a machine do so, what happens to the rest of the people?
This could be a kind of sideways Left Behind story, where the post-human/trans-humans (trannies? heh) have to take care of their machinery and power sources and the people who are still made of flesh are just getting by, doing what humans do.
But what if the power source or some other resource becomes an object of contention what then? Who do you root for? The Superior Beings or the ones we resemble most? Do human needs and desires survive the transition? Do the trannies hate the fleshies and why? Out of jealousy that they still have their bodies and all the sensations that come with it? or out of loathing that they have not been able or willing to migrate? And how do the meatsacks feel about the others? Hate them? Fear them? Envy them?
So tell if this has been done, if you know. The more I make notes, the more I feel like exploring it myself.