This is proving to be quite useful.
Like working with CPAN modules or FreeBSD’s ports system, all that’s stored locally is a skeleton outline of what’s available: you request something, and down it comes, fetched, unpacked, and installed. Uninstalling is just as painless.
I have more plugins installed than I realized, and I had to walk through the manual registration process (you match each file in your plugins directory against a registered plugin) to start things off properly. The only one that is unclaimed is the Zeitgeist module, but that will be taken care of soon, I’m assured.
Almost all those plugins are in use: the ArchiveYear one I have yet to work with and the Outliner is giving me some problems. The author and I have been in contact: it’s supposed to take the OPML data from NetNewsWire or your RSS reader of choice and generate a reading list/blogroll based on what you’re actually subscribed to.
The only gotcha I have found is in getting the MTW3CValidate and MTTextile to play nicely. MTTextile needs to load first, ideally as the first item in the template, followed by MTW3CValidate.
<$MTTextileOptions smarty_mode="2" trim_spaces="1"$>
[ . . . ] the rest of your page [ . . . ]
If you think this would help (and you’re a MovableType user) check it out.