what does the LazyWeb know about iTunes?

So here’s my dilemma. I store my music files on an AppleShare file system, since the iBook I use lacks enough disk to hold it. All is well, most of the time, but occasionally, when iTunes syncs my iPod, it claims it can’t find some files. I can find them and, using Get Info in iTunes, restore iTunes’ awareness of them. Surely, there is some way to find unlinked files programmatically, and best of all, restore those links.

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on the merits of getting started

Crooked Timber » » Advice to Authors:

Here is one of the many footnotes from Susanna Clarke’s novel, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, which Henry reviewed recently:

Horace Tott spent an uneventful life in Cheshire always intending to write a large book on English magic, but never quite beginning. And so he died at seventy-four, still imagining he might begin next week, or perhaps the week after that.

“Publish-or-perish” is hardly the best motto for good scholarship, but if the alternative is to perish without publishing at all then perhaps it might not be so bad. This footnote may find itself stuck above my desk come Monday. Or Tuesday, at the latest.

Referenced in the Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell seminar @ Crooked Timber.