links for 2007-06-25

more genre grasping?

Lethem annoints director for “You Don’t Love Me Yet” copyright experiment:

Lethem, a Macarthur-winning sf novelist,

I haven’t read any Lethem (any recommendations?) but I don’t see any of his books classified or described as SF. Post-apocalyptic, perhaps. <sigh> Why take the trouble to type those two characters? is it that much more cool to be an SF writer than just a plain old MacArthur-grant winning novelist? Or any kind of published novelist?

It bugs me as much as Apple bothers the perpetrator of the above, but at least I know who’s responsible for the offense.

gas prices to spike? Like a buck a gallon?

from a mailing list I get:

Daughter does market analysis, she called long
distance to warn me that oil just jumped $3.00 a
barrel, Gas prices are expected to pass $4.60 by
Friday morning. If you have a gas can, I suggest you
fill it. Oil Stocks will go crazy. She fears it may
jmp more then a dollar, as something huge is going on
in the middle east.

Interesting. Wonder what has happened/is happening?

Curious story of what’s up with JPG Magazine, a photography…

Curious story of what’s up with JPG Magazine, a photography…:

Curious story of what’s up with JPG Magazine, a photography mag founded by Heather Champ and Derek Powazek. Derek formed a new company (8020 Publishing) with a friend (Paul Cloutier) and that company bought JPG. Then, says Derek, “Paul informed me that we were inventing a new story about how JPG came to be that was all about 8020. He told me not to speak of that walk in Buena Vista, my wife, or anything that came before 8020.” The founding and the first 6 issues of JPG were removed from the site and Derek left his company. More from Heather and on MetaFilter, including this nice sentiment: “The great thing about a labour of love is the love, not the labour.” (link)


the facts are biased: see here for proof

Rebecca notes this:

Oregon State University: The History of the US Minimum Wage, in graphs. Very interesting. (via dm)

Feel free to superimpose the party of the president at each point in the graph and see how it relates to real wages.

Calculated in real 2006 dollars, the 1968 minimum wage was the highest at $9.27.

And it’s never been as good since.