now why would the RIAA cartel link to my site?

Obviously, they haven’t been reading it very closely . . . .

After checking to make sure I wasn’t being sued, I discovered some bright spark over there thought that spamming referers was a good way to pump up the cartel’s Google rank. They’re already the top links . . . . duh. - - [22/Jan/2004:10:54:41 -0800] "HEAD /movabletype/ HTTP/1.0" 200 0 "" "StarProse Referrer Advertising System 2004" - - [22/Jan/2004:14:00:59 -0800] "HEAD /movabletype/ HTTP/1.0" 200 0 "" "StarProse Referrer Advertising System 2004"

Cheap and sleazy, but not out of character.

[Posted with ecto]

G4 upgrade: $150. Hmmmmm

Other World Computing- Item Info:

“OWC MercuryZ533+ G4/450-533MHz Altivec Enhanced ZIF w/1MB L2 Cache. ‘Hi-Temp’ G4/450MHZ CPU Tested and guaranteed for G4/533MHZ operation in all PowerMac G3 Beige; G4/500MHZ operation in PowerMac G3 B&W,G4 ‘Yikes’ PCI Models. New, 2yr OWC Warranty. (OWCZG4450B533) “


It is just a 500 MHz G4, but it would be an improvement over a 350 MHz G3.

[Posted with ecto]

most of these are funny: this one wasn’t

Excessively Progressive! Anti-Bush and Democratic Election 2004 Bumper Stickers and Shirts

I took W's place in Vietnam

Say what you like about Clinton or even Cheney: they never pretended to be in the military. They ducked it, fair and square. But not the President. He signed up and then went AWOL, abandoning his duty to protect the skies of Texas from the Red Menace. I don’t know if any National Guard pilots were sent to Vietnam: perhaps none. But how would he feel if someone could point to a name on The Wall and say “this guy’s name is here, because you left your post.”

a friend writes . . .

Great news!!! I recently received news that I passed the October 2003
Patent Bar exam and now have my provisional registration number for the
USPTO. I have been working at the University of Washington Law School for
over a year now and am interested in a new challenge. Please let me know
if you hear of any opportunities which may suit my background, preferrably
in the Seattle metro area. My technical experience is in biotechnology (BS
degree and four years industry experience) and computer science. I am
interested in either litigation or patent prosecution, and mostly just want
to start practicing IP law.

This is definitely a happy new year for me. Best to you in 2004.

Fourth departure I’ve learned of this week . . . .

If you know of anything, I’ll pass it along (I don’t want to open anyone up for spam).

Posted with ecto

do you feel secure?

The agents were huddled together, and recognized us. “What did you do with the fish?” they asked, “What did you do with the fish!?”

Sensing a chance for comeuppance, Trey put on his “stone-cold-supportive-protector” face and said with great dramatics, “You know what … we flushed him. We flushed him because you made us [pause for effect]. You killed my girlfriend’s fish. No, you made her kill her fish … Happy holidays.”

I just read a section of Beyond Fear with some both chilling and amusing insights into how “secure” we are in the post-9/11 world when I read this article about how some TSA minion insisted a college student’s pet fish had to be X-rayed or disposed of.

I dunno: a Betta fish doesn’t scare me all that much but stupid minions of a misguided bureaucracy do.

system monitoring with mrtg/snmp

Someone emailed me thusly:

I saw your email to the mailing list (, that you have a rather successful install of MRTG and SNMP on OS X. 

I am quite jelous.

I got SNMP installed OK (from Darwinports via opendarwin), and gor MRTG installed.  I’ve been plotting Ethernet connection for sometime.  I wanted to get CPU and Disk (like you have)

I tried snmpwalk, but see nothing of the sort.  Any assistance would be greatly apprciated.

I decided to take a look at this as a new install (my move from Jaguar to Panther on the host he saw being graphed worked without a hitch . . . ) I have a new iBook and am starting from scratch.

First off, the factory version of snmp seems to be OK. So he could have saved himself some work there.

Next, run snmpconf and make sure you can actually access your snmp daemon. You need to set a community name and define a version for security purposes.

The next thing to look at is the hrStorageTable. (The Cw 100 syntax wraps output to 100 characters.)

snmptable -v[your version] -c[your community name] -Cw 100 localhost hrStorageTable

This should spit out a table of all the storage devices you have mounted:

SNMP table: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageTable

hrStorageIndex hrStorageType hrStorageDescr
1 HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES::hrStorageFixedDisk /
2 HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES::hrStorageFixedDisk /dev
3 HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES::hrStorageFixedDisk /dev
4 HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES::hrStorageFixedDisk /.vol
5 HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES::hrStorageFixedDisk /Network
6 HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES::hrStorageFixedDisk /automount/Servers
7 HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES::hrStorageFixedDisk /automount/static
8 HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES::hrStorageFixedDisk /Volumes/paulbeard
101 HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES::hrStorageRam Real Memory
102 HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES::hrStorageVirtualMemory Swap Space
103 HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES::hrStorageOther Memory Buffers

SNMP table HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageTable, part 2

hrStorageAllocationUnits hrStorageSize hrStorageUsed hrStorageAllocationFailures
4096 Bytes 7324800 4095758 0
512 Bytes 2 2 0
512 Bytes 2 2 0
512 Bytes 1024 1024 0
512 Bytes 0 0 0
512 Bytes 0 0 0
512 Bytes 0 0 0
512 Bytes 204800 25819 0
4096 Bytes 0 761696 ?
4096 Bytes 761640 -1073746560 ?
256 Bytes ? 48 ?

From this you can get the variable you want to report on:

white:~ paul$ snmpget -v[your version] -c[your community name] localhost hrStorageSize.1 hrStorageUsed.1
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageSize.1 = INTEGER: 7324800
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageUsed.1 = INTEGER: 4095757

Once you have that in hand, you can initialize mrtg with it’s cfgmaker command and then add additional stanzas to suit your needs.

when a prank backfires

National Post

Mr. [Andrew] Ironside, who had his own page in the yearbook, had been elected valedictorian in a vote carefully orchestrated by his peers and designed to embarrass him.

But when graduation night arrived, he gave a speech that transformed a malicious high school joke into an ad libbed sequel to Revenge of the Nerds.

In my high school, I remember there was similar event where a girl on the cheerleading squad was elected to homecoming queen or some such “honor.” I think it started as a prank, but the prankiness of it all fell away. I remember the victim as a nice, sweet kid who didn’t do anything to deserve being set up like that. Perhaps that dawned on some of the organizers of the stunt; I can’t remember for sure, but that’s how I’d like to remember it.

Of course, this fine film came out during my high school years . . . . kind of a worst case scenario.

new revenue stream

Well, I signed up for Google’s Adsense program last week and so far, I have netted a staggering $12.86. Hmm, not exactly going to cover much in the way of expenses around here.

It could due to the fact GoogleBot has to recrawl my site to take into account the URL change from . . . . at least I hope that’s what it is.