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a banner for the leaderless?

Pharyngula: A logo for the godless: an impossible assignment?:

Norwegianity has put out a request to design an appropriate logo for all of us godless heathen bloggers. There’s a certain religious deathcult that uses an instrument of torture as its immediately recognizable logo—it’s very simple, clean, easy to draw, and they’ve made it their own. You see one of those things on a website or on a necklace and you instantly know to a very rough approximation the predilections of the owner. Why can’t we have something like that?

My take on this, amplifying some stuff in comments as well as some thoughts of my own:

&#9835 = earth (for earthling: sorry about the cross).
☉ = sun, also apropos.
☼ = sun (a variant)
â—¯ = large circle.
㊷ – no comment
☄ = where did we come from anyway?