well, that was exciting.

we just had an actual thunder and lightning storm. with multiple occurrences of each. right overhead. wit hail (just pea-sized to marble-sized — nothing too dramatic).
 Images 061121 Seattle Lightning

Those of in the Central and Eastern Time Zones would not care a fig for something like this, but it was damned impressive for us here and the time of year made it still more remarkable. I had to power-down all the wired equipment here, not out of any fear of electric shock but in case of unscheduled power-downs — I prefer the scheduled sort.

Temperatures have dropped like a rock, so that was quite a storm.

links for 2006-11-21

NaNoWriMo gets harder

Your current Word Count is 26875

Oof, it gets harder as you narrow down your “plot” and limit the choices you can make. And if you suspect your words are a pastiche of George R R Martin and Terry Pratchett anyway, it doesn’t help your determination.

Trouble is, you don’t really know until you’ve put it aside for awhile and that can’t come til you’re done.


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no better than the worst

New father Josh Marshall introduces a recollection by an 80s era vet on survival school training and what he learned about waterboarding and the Geneva Convention.

[O]ur involvement in Vietnam remains a sobering testament to the misguided conflating of nationalism and communism. But for millions of U.S. veterans, the debate on torture stands in stark contrast to the training they received and our shared understanding of what we were fighting for and against during the Cold War.

With that long-winded introduction, here is TPM Reader BL, responding to Ed Meese’s comments in GQ:

Worth reading, and I suspect we’ll hear more on this.

further fascinations with fermented foods

I got some kefir grains today, and have it fermenting a small quantity of milk to see what it’s all about. According to this guy, kefir is literally the food of the gods, with links to the manna that fed the Jews on the Exodus and to Mohammed.

It’s not really a grain, but an kind of organic matrix of simple yeastie beasties that ferment dairy and non-dairy liquids into a mildly alcoholic and highly nutritious brew. If the stories are accurate, all the kefir starters alive today can be traced back to the efforts of a brave Russian girl and a couple of resourceful Russian businessmen in the earlier days of the last century, and perhaps back to biblical times.

I do have a mild fascination with living foods — yeasts, yogurts and the like — so it makes sense to look into this. Putting kefir into the Google returns a lot of pretty enthusiastic results. More info as it, er, develops.

reaping the fruits of hatred

Star-Telegram | 11/16/2006 | Sitting ducks on the bench:

When federal appellate Judge Danny Boggs said at a Friday legal conference at Las Colinas that physical assaults aimed at judges have come mainly from “the deranged,” [retired Justice Sandra Day] O’Connor underscored the safety concerns.
“Every member of the Supreme Court received a wonderful package of home-baked cookies, and I don’t know why, the staff decided to analyze them,” she recounted. “Each one contained enough poison to kill the entire membership of the court.”

I don’t recall hearing about this, but it should have received more attention. She doesn’t mention if anyone was apprehended in this incident.

What if the staff had been less diligent/experienced? If a Justice had been sickened or worse, what would that say about our republic?

when dynamic swap is a multiple of real memory, is it time to reboot?

paul$ ls -l /var/vm
total 3670016
drwx–x–x 16 root wheel 544 Nov 14 12:00 app_profile
-rw——T 1 root wheel 67108864 Nov 11 18:35 swapfile0
-rw——T 1 root wheel 67108864 Nov 12 02:12 swapfile1
-rw——T 1 root wheel 134217728 Nov 12 09:04 swapfile2
-rw——T 1 root wheel 268435456 Nov 12 12:25 swapfile3
-rw——T 1 root wheel 268435456 Nov 12 19:04 swapfile4
-rw——T 1 root wheel 268435456 Nov 14 12:02 swapfile5
-rw——T 1 root wheel 268435456 Nov 14 14:23 swapfile6
-rw——T 1 root wheel 268435456 Nov 15 11:32 swapfile7
-rw——T 1 root wheel 268435456 Nov 15 16:42 swapfile8

paul$ du -sh /var/vm
1.5G /var/vm

With only 640Mb onboard, it gets painful. Changing applications can bring up the beachball of death.

<update> But just as with OS 9 and earlier, quitting a bunch of applications and/or logging out without rebooting will force a reclamation of a lot of the swap (about 1 Gb worth, in my case). So that helps.